Essential Tube Fittings Content
4 Crucial Steps in ORFS Assembly
Proper assembly of the fittings is critical in all situations, but often in the field short cuts are taken that can be a detriment to system performance. It is important to take the following steps:
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What is a Hydraulic System Leak Costing You?
While hydraulic connections that incorporate an O-ring face seal are the most reliable against leakage, it can still happen. Yet the cause is rarely the fitting itself. The primary contributors to system leaks and how often they occur include:
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Common Fitting Types & Applications: Part I
Each type of fitting connects to a tube, hose, or a port. A port connection is part of a component, such as a manifold or pump. All fittings are made to industrial standards, the most common of which are:
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Common Fitting Types & Applications: Part II
This post is a continuation from out blog “Common Fitting Types & Applications: Part I.”
Some additional common types of fittings include:
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Five Reasons to be Using Flange Fittings
Though there are specific application where flanges and/or flange fittings are the only practical choice (particularly in larger, high pressure piping applications), flanges sometimes provide benefits to the piping…
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Mistakes You Don’t Want to Make With Flange Fittings
It is important to note that the two flange style codes (61 and 62) are not interchangeable due to their pressure ranges and their different bolt patterns…
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Tube Fittings Literature
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